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Sonnets to Amsterdam, Volume I, Book III,

Collection: Sonnets to Amsterdam:

Journey Through the Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe

Prima corona coronae heroicae

Eleventh Wreath of Sonnets

1 Sonnet CXLI: The City’s Reflection
2 Sonnet CXLII: Echoes of the Past
3 Sonnet CXLIII: The Palimpsest
4 Sonnet CXLIV: Bound in New Chains
5 Sonnet CXLV: Modern Narratives
6 Sonnet CXLVI: Enchanting Whispers
7 Sonnet CXLVII: Dreams Under Blue Skies
8 Sonnet CXLVIII: Intertwined Lives
9 Sonnet CXLIX: Hope in Stride
10 Sonnet CL: Enduring Love 22
11 Sonnet CLI: The Spirit of the City
12 Sonnet CLII: Challenge and Resilience
13 Sonnet CLIII: Defiant Decree
14 Sonnet CLIV: Harmony in Adversity

Magistral XI

Twelth Wreath of Sonnets

15 Sonnet CLV: Amsterdam’s Sanctuary of Unity
16 Sonnet CLVI: City of Contrasts
17 Sonnet CLVII: Ancient Footprints
18 Sonnet CLVIII: : Heritage of Healing
19 Sonnet CLIX: Secrets of the Drogisterij
20 Sonnet CLX: Healing Journeys
21 Sonnet CLXI: Cultural Tapestry
22 Sonnet CLXII: De Winter’s Triumph
23 Sonnet CLXIII: Whispers of Intrigue
24 Sonnet CLXIV: Amsterdam’s Legacy
25 Sonnet CLXV: Rhythms of the Night
26 Sonnet CLXVI: Tales of the Sea
27 Sonnet CLXVII : Strength in the Storm
28 Sonnet CLXVIII: Revealing Truths

Magistral XII

Thirteenth Wreath of Sonnets

29 Sonnet CLXIX: Sanctuary of Wisdom
30 Sonnet CLXX: City of Contrasts
31 Sonnet CLXXI: Journey Through Time
32 Sonnet CLXXII: Healing Traditions
33 Sonnet CLXXIII: Nature’s Remedies
34 Sonnet CLXXIV: Herbal Lore and Modern Cures
35 Sonnet CLXXV: Lillard’s Artistic Tapestry
36 Sonnet CLXXVI: Amsterdam’s Liberty
37 Sonnet CLXXVII: Tales of Intrigue
38 Sonnet CLXXVIII: Kennedy’s Era
39 Sonnet CLXXIX: Dutch Rhythms
40 Sonnet CLXXX: Sailor’s Lore
41 Sonnet CLXXXI: Strength Through Storms
42 Sonnet CLXXXII: Mind’s Deep Sea

Magistral XIII

Fourteenth Wreath of Sonnets

43 Sonnet CLXXXIII: Celestial Journeys
44 Sonnet CLXXXIV: Artistry and Style
45 Sonnet CLXXXV: Symbols of Resilience
46 Sonnet CLXXXVI: Legacy of the Crosses
47 Sonnet CLXXXVII: Mysteries of Existence
48 Sonnet CLXXXVIII: Dutch Dairy Legacy
49 Sonnet CLXXXIX: Literary Treasures
50 Sonnet CXC: Proverbs and Wisdom
51 Sonnet CXCI: Path to Redemption
52 Sonnet CXCII: Dice of Destiny
53 Sonnet CLIII: Tales of Ulenspiegel
54 Sonnet CXCIV: Floating Marvel
55 Sonnet CXCV: klaas’ Legacy
56 Sonnet CXCVI: Robbie’s Ritual

Magistral XIV

The Wreath of Magistrals

57 The First Wreath
58 The Second Wreath
59 The Third Wreath
60 The Fourth Wreath
61 The Fifth Wreath
62 The Sixth Wreath
63 The Seventh Wreath
64 The Eighth Wreath
65 The Ninth Wreath
66 The Tenth Wreath
67 The Eleventh Wreath
68 The Twelth Wreath
69 The Thirteenth Wreath
70 The Fourteenth Wreath

Magistrals’ Magistral

After Sonnet


finem libri III.


Harry Matthews

un poète et peintre

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