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Sonnets to Amsterdam, Volume I, Book II.

Collection: Sonnets to Amsterdam:

Journey Through the Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe

Prima corona coronae heroicae

Volume I, Book II.

Sixth Wreath of Sonnets:

1 Sonnet LXXI: Whispering Canopies
2 Sonnet LXXII: Reflections on the Amstel
3 Sonnet LXXIII: Urban Palimpsest
4 Sonnet LXXIV: A Dance of Decades
5 Sonnet LXXV: Echoes of Independence
6 Sonnet LXXVI: A Conscious Reawakening
7 Sonnet LXXVII: Illuminated Nights
8 Sonnet LXXVIII: The Essence of Search
9 Sonnet LXXIX: Revolt in Silence
10 Sonnet LXXX: Night’s Hidden Echoes
11 Sonnet LXXXI: Visions Stirred
12 Sonnet LXXXII: Vision’s Rebirth
13 Sonnet LXXXIII: Power’s Integration
14 Sonnet LXXXIV: Gnome’s Wisdom

Magistral VI


Seventh Wreath of Sonnets:

15 Sonnet LXXXV: Radiance Unveiled
16 Sonnet LXXXVI: Stage of Light
17 Sonnet LXXXVII: Revolutionary Ties
18 Sonnet LXXXVIII: A New Dawn
19 Sonnet LXXXIX: Beyond Control
20 Sonnet XC: Transcendent Journeys
21 Sonnet XCI: Anarchism’s March
22 Sonnet XCII: Fire of Unrest
23 Sonnet XCIII: Urban Labyrinth
24 Sonnet XCIV: Chains of Illusion
25 Sonnet XCV: Arsenal Unleashed
26 Sonnet XCVI: Art’s Journey
27 Sonnet XCVII: Woven Words
28 Sonnet XCVIII: Echoes and Shadows

Magistral VII


Eighth Wreath of Sonnets

29 Sonnet XCIX: Illumination Beyond Dreams
30 Sonnet C: Shadows and Light
31 Sonnet CI: Canvas of Existence
32 Sonnet CII: Hues of Hope
33 Sonnet CIII: Crossing Dreams
34 Sonnet CIV: Awaiting Harmony
35 Sonnet CV: Silent Symphony
36 Sonnet CVI: Illuminations of Hope
37 Sonnet CVII: Whispers of the Past
38 Sonnet CVIII: Beyond Divides
39 Sonnet CIX: The Craft of Resilience
40 Sonnet CXX: Echoes of Silence
41 Sonnet CXXI: Ancient Footsteps
42 Sonnet CXXII: Cartographic Memories

Magistral VIII

Ninth Wreath of Sonnets: 

43 Sonnet CXXIII: Whispers Through Time
44 Sonnet CXXIV: Celestial Echoes
45 Sonnet CXXV: Labyrinth of Existence
46 Sonnet CXXVI: Reflections in Silence
47 Sonnet CXXVII: In Silence, Bold
48 Sonnet CXXVIII: Toward New Horizons
49 Sonnet CXXIX: Dreams and Echoes
50 Sonnet CXXX: Horizon’s Call
51 Sonnet CXXXI: Luminescent Beginnings
52 Sonnet CXXXII: Celestial Endeavor
53 Sonnet CXXXIII: New Horizons
54 Sonnet CXXXIV: From Ashes to Enlightenment
55 Sonnet CXXXV: Visions and Revelations
56 Sonnet CXXXVI: The Inner Guide

Magistral IX


Tenth Wreath of Sonnets:

57 Sonnet CXXXVII: Divine Mercy
58 Sonnet CXXXVIII: The Healing Light
59 Sonnet CXXXIX: Youth’s Reckoning
60 Sonnet CXL: Labyrinth of Self
61 Sonnet CXLI: Chaos and Clarity
62 Sonnet CXLII: Daylight Revelations
63 Sonnet CXLIII: Levensboom’s Legacy
64 Sonnet CXLIV: Jasper’s Enigma
65 Sonnet CXLV: Amsterdam’s Veil
66 Sonnet CXLVI: Vision Renewed
Sonnet CXLVII: The Artful Revolution
68 Sonnet CXLVIII: Divine Breath
69 Sonnet CXLIX: The Fool’s Quest
70 Sonnet CL: Enlightenment’s Path

Magistral X


finem libri II.


Harry Matthews

un poète et peintre

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