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Sonnets to Amsterdam, Volume I, Book I.

Collection: Sonnets to Amsterdam:

Journey Through the Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe

Prima corona coronae heroicae

Volume I, Book I.

First Wreath of Sonnets:

1 Sonnet I: The Quest Begins
2 Sonnet II: The Wisdom Gained
3 Sonnet III: Through Amsterdam’s Veins
4 Sonnet IV: Reflections in Still Water
5 Sonnet V: Shadows and Light Within
6 Sonnet VI: Beyond the Shadows
7 Sonnet VII: Inward Odyssey
8 Sonnet VIII: Adoration’s Echo
9 Sonnet IX: Amsterdam’s Whispering Shadows
10 Sonnet X Liberation’s Dawn
11 Sonnet XI Fall and Rise in Amsterdam
12 Sonnet XII Healing and Discovery
13 Sonnet XIII Shadows and Revelations
14 Sonnet XIV Embracing Self Amidst Struggles:

Magistral I

Second Wreath of Sonnets:

15 Sonnet XIV Journey Through Shadows
16 Sonnet XVI Radiance in the Asphalt Jungle
17 Sonnet XVII The Amsterdam Odyssey
18 Sonnet XVIII Cyber Hippie’s Amsterdam Journey
19 Sonnet XIX Amsterdam’s Challenging Embrace
20 Sonnet XX The Challenge of Self-Love in Amsterdam
21 Sonnet XXI Urban Growth and Echoes
22 Sonnet XXII Embracing Infinity in Amsterdam
23 Sonnet XXIII Wasted Potential in Amsterdam
24 Sonnet XXIV: Timeless Love in the Digital Age
25 Sonnet XXV: Love’s Journey in Amsterdam
26 Sonnet XXVI: A Tribute to Julius, Amsterdam’s
27 Sonnet XXVII: Lillard, Amsterdam’s Timeless Beacon
28 Sonnet XXVIII: From Darkness to Dawn in Amsterdam

Magistral II

Third Wreath of Sonnets; Magistral

29 Sonnet XXIX: Lillard’s Legacy: A Timeless Beacon
30 Sonnet XXX: A Distant Love in Amsterdam
31 Sonnet XXXI: Amsterdam’s Echoes
32 Sonnet XXXII: In Opium’s Embrace
33 Sonnet XXXIII: The Quest for Love in Amsterdam
34 Sonnet XXXIV: Reverie in Plantage’s Solace
35 Sonnet XXXV: Shadows in the Mind’s Carnival
36 Sonnet XXXVI: From Shadows to Light
37 Sonnet XXXVII: The Odyssey of Self in Amsterdam
38 Sonnet XXXVIII: Amidst Shadows, a Spark in Amsterdam
39 Sonnet XXXIX: Navigating the Mind’s Maze
40 Sonnet XL: Amidst Amsterdam’s Whispers
41 Sonnet XLI: Amidst Amsterdam’s Shadows
42 Sonnet XLII: Twilight’s Echoes in Amsterdam

Magistral III

Fourth Wreath of Sonnets: 

43 Sonnet XLIII: Amidst Amsterdam’s Contrasts
44 Sonnet XLIV: The Dance of Existence
45 Sonnet XLV: In Search of Self-Truth
46 Sonnet XLVI: Amsterdam’s Truth
47 Sonnet XLVII: In Thought’s Own Maze
48 Sonnet XLVIII Beacon in the Twilight: Robert Jasper
49 Sonnet XLIX: The Poet’s Stormy Quest
50 Sonnet L: Echoes of the Asphalt Jungle
51 Sonnet LI: Discordant Amsterdam Nights
52 Sonnet LII: The Unfinished Text
53 Sonnet LIII: Invisible Landscapes
54 Sonnet LIV: Underworld Illuminations
55 Sonnet LV: The Magreb’s Shadow
56 Sonnet LVI: Stellar Ambitions

Magistral IV

Fifth Wreath of Sonnets:

57 Sonnet LVII: A Dutch Boy’s Plight
58 Sonnet LVIII: The Ashes of Greed
59 Sonnet LIX: Light Amidst Darkness
60 Sonnet LX: Amsterdam’s Dark Veil
61 Sonnet LXI: The Ashtray’s Transformation
62 Sonnet LXII: The Light Bearer’s Presence
63 Sonnet LXIII: In the Darkness, There is Light
64 Sonnet LXIV: The Coming of Christ
65 Sonnet LXV: The Happening in Community
66 Sonnet LXVI: The Call to Unity
67 Sonnet LXVII: Total Theatre
68 Sonnet LXVIII: The Journey of Imagination
69 Sonnet LXIX: The Hidden Pockets of the Dam
70 Sonnet LXX: The Fragility of Love

Magistral V


finem libri I.


Harry Matthews

un poète et peintre

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