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In the Dance of the Eternal: The Poet’s Journey

♡ In the infinite dance of existence, where dualities merge into a singular Oneness, the soul of a Poet is forged in the fires of Sacred Truth. A Poet is a seer of the invisible, a conduit for the whispers of the Infinite, capturing in their verses the resonant echoes of the Cosmos. The Word, timeless and whole, descends upon the heart like a divine breath, awakening wisdom within the sanctified chambers of the soul.

True prophecy, akin to the Eternal Poetry, flows from the wellspring of Spirit, born in hidden realms where righteousness flourishes and alignment with the Sacred yields the sweetest fruit. In the realm of boundless Grace, where Mercy and Love overflow, the poet’s soul becomes a vessel, carrying the elixir of Revelation.

Sacred Poetry is a gift of infinite Love that surpasses all understanding. This Word, this Logos, serves as the bridge between the Infinite and the mortal, the melody that harmonizes unity, the symphony that celebrates Compassion.

To be a poet is to navigate the razor’s edge, to bear the weight of truth that is at once heavy and light. Though the poet’s heart may be torn by the trials of earthly existence, it finds solace in the sufficiency of the Sacred, in the Divine abundance that fills every emptiness.

In the sacred embrace of the Eternal, where all is One, the poet’s heart beats in time with the universal rhythm. Here, embraced by the Divine, the soul finds its rest, and the Poet, like a mystic, dances in the eternal circle of Love, lost and found within the Oneness. ♡


Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

موتوا قبل ان تموتوا


Harry Matthews: An Innovative Storyteller and Multi-Talented Artist

Harry Matthews is a visionary writer and artist, captivating audiences with his ability to blend the worlds of fiction, poetry, and visual art. With an expansive imagination and a sharp eye for detail, Matthews has established himself as a formidable force in contemporary literature and the arts.

Master of Fantasy, Thrillers, and Picaresque Adventures

As a fiction writer, Matthews excels in creating vivid, immersive worlds that pull readers into the realms of fantasy, thrilling suspense, and the adventurous life of the picaresque hero. His narrative prowess shines through in his ability to craft compelling characters and intricate plotlines that keep readers engaged from beginning to end. Each story is a journey into the unknown, filled with rich symbolism and lyrical prose that resonate on both intellectual and emotional levels.

A Poet of Rich Symbolism and Lyrical Beauty

Matthews’ poetry is celebrated for its deep symbolism and lyrical quality, offering profound insights into the human experience. His poems are marked by a careful balance of emotional depth and philosophical reflection, touching on universal themes such as love, loss, nature, and the search for meaning. His acclaimed collections, including “Hyperion” and “Woodwose,” showcase his talent for weaving words into beautiful, thought-provoking tapestries that speak to the heart and mind.

A Major Colourist in the World of Painting

Not confined to the written word, Matthews is also an accomplished painter whose work is distinguished by its vibrant use of colour and expressive brushstrokes. He has illustrated his books with his own watercolours and oil paintings, notably his book “A Whimsical Journey Through India.” As a major colourist, his paintings are not just visual delights but emotional experiences, inviting viewers to explore the depth and vibrancy of his inner world. His paintings, shown at exhibitions and showcased at the Harry Art Gallery, stand as a testament to his ability to bring his artistic visions to life on canvas, making his work a sought-after treasure for collectors and art lovers alike.

Scholar and Thought Leader in Literary Studies

Beyond his creative endeavours, Harry Matthews is a dedicated scholar, currently pursuing doctoral research in English Literature. His academic pursuits explore the complexities of language, storytelling, and poetic expression. His scholarly work has garnered international recognition, including a notable presentation at Rome Sapienza University, where he delivered an insightful paper on the poetry of Richard Barnfield. This blend of creativity and scholarly insight underscores Matthews’ position as a thought leader in the field of literature.

A Life Dedicated to Art, Knowledge, and Inspiration

Currently residing in the serene landscapes of Shropshire, Matthews draws inspiration from the natural beauty around him. His work reflects a profound connection to his environment, infusing his art with a sense of place and wonder. Whether through the written word, the painted canvas, or academic discourse, Matthews’ passion for exploring the intersections of art, nature, and the human spirit shines brightly.

Connect with Harry Matthews

Harry Matthews invites you to join him on his artistic and literary journey. For inquiries, collaborations, or to explore his work further, please contact him at

True to the God in You

“True to the God in You” by Harry Matthews is a profound collection of poems that dives deep into the exploration of self, the divine, and the intricate relationship between them. Matthews’ work is a blend of spiritual introspection and vivid imagery, evoking a strong sense of connection between the individual self, the collective human experience, and the divine.

The collection starts with a powerful preface, setting the tone for a journey of self-realisation and spiritual awakening. Matthews skilfully intertwines themes of strength, loyalty, courage, and sacrifice, presenting them as essential components in the pursuit of understanding and aligning with the divine.

Throughout the poems, Matthews exhibits a remarkable ability to draw from various religious and spiritual traditions, particularly Islamic mysticism. His references to the Quranic notions of love and mercy provide a fresh perspective on these concepts, transcending traditional interpretations.

One of the most striking aspects of Matthews’ poetry is his use of natural imagery to depict spiritual and emotional states. This is evident in poems like “On the Pleasures of Sunbathing” and “On Conversing with Blackbirds,” where mundane activities or observations become metaphors for deeper spiritual truths.

The collection also delves into the human condition, exploring emotions such as love, grief, and defiance. Matthews shows a keen understanding of these experiences, always connecting them back to the overarching theme of divine presence and guidance.

In conclusion, “True to the God in You” is a compelling and thought-provoking collection that encourages readers to seek a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the divine scheme. Matthews’ poetic voice is both unique and universal, making this collection a valuable addition to contemporary spiritual literature.

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