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In the Dance of the Eternal: The Poet’s Journey

♡ In the infinite dance of existence, where dualities merge into a singular Oneness, the soul of a Poet is forged in the fires of Sacred Truth. A Poet is a seer of the invisible, a conduit for the whispers of the Infinite, capturing in their verses the resonant echoes of the Cosmos. The Word, timeless and whole, descends upon the heart like a divine breath, awakening wisdom within the sanctified chambers of the soul.

True prophecy, akin to the Eternal Poetry, flows from the wellspring of Spirit, born in hidden realms where righteousness flourishes and alignment with the Sacred yields the sweetest fruit. In the realm of boundless Grace, where Mercy and Love overflow, the poet’s soul becomes a vessel, carrying the elixir of Revelation.

Sacred Poetry is a gift of infinite Love that surpasses all understanding. This Word, this Logos, serves as the bridge between the Infinite and the mortal, the melody that harmonizes unity, the symphony that celebrates Compassion.

To be a poet is to navigate the razor’s edge, to bear the weight of truth that is at once heavy and light. Though the poet’s heart may be torn by the trials of earthly existence, it finds solace in the sufficiency of the Sacred, in the Divine abundance that fills every emptiness.

In the sacred embrace of the Eternal, where all is One, the poet’s heart beats in time with the universal rhythm. Here, embraced by the Divine, the soul finds its rest, and the Poet, like a mystic, dances in the eternal circle of Love, lost and found within the Oneness. ♡


Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

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