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Barnfield Conference 2023


The Richard Barnfield Legacy Conference, held at Sapienza University of Rome from February 9th to 10th, 2023, presented a remarkable array of scholarly work, analysing the intricate aspects of Richard Barnfield’s poetry and influence. My own contribution was the presentation of the paper titled ‘”Otherwise (then) In Truth I meant”: Homoeroticism in Richard Barnfield’s Poetry,’ delivered on February 10th at 10 am. This session was expertly chaired by Professor Andrew Hadfield of Sussex University.

The paper’s exploration of homoerotic themes within Barnfield’s work was both insightful and thought-provoking, offering a fresh perspective on the poet’s legacy. The presentation skilfully navigated complex literary analysis, making a compelling case for re-examining the undercurrents of Barnfield’s poetry through the lens of homoeroticism.

Audience engagement was notably high during this session, with the paper receiving an overwhelmingly positive response. The depth of research and eloquence in delivery marked this presentation as a significant contribution to the conference. It not only enriched the attendees’ understanding of Barnfield’s work but also sparked lively discussions and debates, further emphasising the paper’s impact.

The success of so many fascinating papers at the conference is a testament to the ongoing relevance of Richard Barnfield’s poetry in contemporary literary studies. Updates from the conference were actively shared on Twitter under @BarnfieldConf23, fostering a wider engagement with the academic community.

Overall, the “Living Fame No Fortune Can Confound”: Richard Barnfield’s Legacy Conference was a once in a generaton opporunity to celebrate the poetry of Richard Barnfield, and a memorable and valuable conference to the field of early modern literary studies.

Harry Matthews

un poète et peintre

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